Back in January of 2016, we sent out a mass email to our customer base in order to get your input on new colors for our Primal 2. Out of the 12 options provided, Teal and Violet were the winners, by a long shot!

We’re happy to announce that today, both our Teal + Violet Primal 2s are available for purchase. These ultra-minimalist, every day shoes are perfect for just about any occasion. Whether that be walking the dog, going for a run, hitting the gym, going for a hike or just out on the town.

These Primal 2s are 100% vegan, featuring a wide-toe box, lightweight materials and a zero-drop platform.

Shying away from some of our more natural, earth tones, we decided to test the waters with these bright colors and see what you guys think! So far they seem pretty cool, right? We like to think so. Anyways, check them out, let us know what you think and maybe we can see about adding additional colors to the line.. eventually.

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5 raisons de sortir cet hiver

Les mois d'hiver peuvent sembler s'éterniser en raison des températures glaciales et de l'augmentation du nombre d'heures d'obscurité. Ce n'est pas pour rien que de nombreux animaux hibernent pendant les mois d'hiver et il est naturel que nous voulions faire de même.

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