In the summer, days get longer. Life slows down. Warm temperatures open the door to an abundance of outdoor activities. The increase in temperature reduces the amount of gear you need to enjoy the outdoors. With a good pair of minimalist shoes and little or no gear, your summer possibilities are endless.

Minimalism is focusing less on possessions, and instead on the freedom of letting go. Often, we over complicate our plans and get drawn in to buying gear we don’t really need. This gear collects and clutters our lives, making it difficult to choose a focus and simplify our lives. However, the beauty of summer is that you can still enjoy an outdoor lifestyle with minimal gear.

If you were to own just one pair of shoes in the summer, it should be a pair of ultra-lightweight shoes like the Primal 2 minimalist shoe. Lightweight trail running shoes will dry quickly and breathe well in the heat. With something like sandals, on the other hand, you need to be a bit more careful not to stub a toe, yet many people hike all over in them. With a good pair of minimalist shoes or boots, you can run to the bottom of a valley or hike to the top of a mountain.

Keep your plans simple in the summer. Be open to change. You don’t need much other than minimalist shoes to make the most of the season. Here’s a list of minimalist summer activities that don’t require much other than shoes or boots.


Boots aren’t required for hiking, but they sure make it easier on your feet. The Boulder Boot has all of the natural features you’ve been searching for, promoting foot development, better balance, and increased mobility. In addition to minimalist boots, not much other gear is required for hiking. A backpack with water and snacks might be a good idea. Sunscreen and either sunglasses or a hat is recommended for sunny days. Explore new hikes in your area. You’d be surprised how many trails you can find just an hour away from home.


Get a group of friends together, your significant other, or just by yourself, and head to a local park for a picnic. Revisit a favorite park or explore new places. This is a great way to spend quality time outside and change up your normal minimalist routine.

Garage Sale

Summer is a great time to declutter your space and embrace minimalism. Go through your belongings and figure out what you need and what you could live without. Maybe it’s time for the old set of golf clubs in your closet to go, even though you’ve been promising yourself you’re going to get to the driving range one of these days. Downsizing doesn’t mean you have to give up old hobbies, though. Many places rent the latest gear at fair prices. This is a good way to get back into an old hobby or explore a new one.

Trail Running

If minimalist running is already a part of your routine, try trail running and “see the forest for the trees.” Explore a new park while accomplishing your normal exercise routine. You won’t have to worry about traffic, crowded areas, and you could probably benefit from a change of scenery. Or just walk the trails in a comfy pair of minimalist boots.


Heading to a lake or local swimming hole is a great way to cool off in the summer. Enjoy wading in the water on a hot summer day. Or, while you’ve still got your socks off, head to the docks or boardwalk in the Mariner minimalist boat shoe and explore seaside. 

Free Concerts

Many communities host free summer concerts. Check out your local listings and see if there are any shows nearby. With the right person or group of friends at your side, a summer evening can be plenty of fun regardless of the performer.

Star Gazing

On a clear summer night, find an area away from bright city lights and enjoy the stars. Take advantage of cooler temperatures when the sun is down. Enjoy a night of star gazing and drive back home afterwards without any traffic.

By keeping your summer plans simple and embracing the minimalist lifestyle, you can still enjoy the outdoors and stick to a budget. Great memories are made with the experiences we have. With minimalist shoes and little gear, you’ll realize there’s plenty to do in the summer.

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