Recently, we received the e-mail below from Ben and were thrilled when we read about his satisfaction…

I just wanted to get in touch with you and share my experience with my new boulder boots. My wife, 18-month-old son, brother-in-law, and I hiked Mt. Monadnock this past Saturday. I had the kid in a backpack carrier and did the whole thing in my boulder boots. It took some getting used to not having a solid platform under my feet when hiking, but it felt really good. I could really feel the improved balance, even with 30+ pounds on my back. I am pretty new to the whole minimalist footwear thing but they worked great and my feet and body were happy.

I’ve never had any particular foot problems, but I’ve always had short and wide feet, and have never found shoes that really fit properly. I was amazed when I discovered the whole world of minimalist footwear. The Boulder Boots are perfect because I’ve always loved boots, and now I can keep wearing them but be closer to the ground and more in touch with the natural function of my body. Looking forward to many more adventures in these boots!

Please keep sending us your feedback and we will keep reading, sharing, and improving our styles!

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